May 7, 2024
Mixed Roses
January 28, 2025Red Rose Bouquet
$60.00 – $92.00
Red Rose Bouquet
Red roses are timeless, classic and iconic. Whether it’s a romantic gesture or a meaningful gift to share how much you care, this bouquet of a dozen roses is bound to make your loved one swoon.
One dozen red roses are about 13″H by 13″W.
A farm-fresh bunch of 12 floral stems and foliage.
Includes a red glass vase.
This bouquet comes with floral food and care instructions, packed carefully within a gift box.
As soon as you take your bouquet out of the box, trim the stems at an angle and place them in room temperature water with flower food. For long-lasting blooms, trim the stems and replace the water daily.
Stems: Red Roses
VALENTINE'S DAY | 12 Roses, 12 Roses with Glass Vase, 12 Roses with Red Vase, 24 Roses, 24 Roses with Glass Vase, 24 Roses with Red Vase |
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