Red Rose Bouquet
January 28, 2025
Berry in Love Bouquet
January 28, 2025Mixed Roses
$60.00 – $92.00
Mixed Roses
Colorful and blooming, this vibrant bouquet of two dozen roses is an instant mood booster. An abundance of the freshest roses is paired with touches of lush greenery to delight everyone from your special someone to your best friend for any occasion or sentiment.
Two dozen mixed roses are about 19″H by 19″W
A farm-fresh bunch of 24 floral stems and foliage.
Includes a clear glass ginger vase.
This bouquet comes with floral food and care instructions, packed carefully within a gift box.
As soon as you take your bouquet out of the box, trim the stems at an angle and place them in room temperature water with flower food. For long-lasting blooms, trim the stems and replace the water daily.
VALENTINE'S DAY | 12 Roses, 12 Roses With Vase, 24 Roses, 24 Roses with Red Vase, 24 Roses With Vase |
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